Shabbat in Jerusalem is a special project that allows us to celebrate the Third Meal and Havdalah together. It is especially important for us Russian-speaking Jews from all over the world to support each other, meet, spend Shabbat in communication with each other in accordance with Jewish tradition
Program Shabbat in Jerusalem
Every Shabbes
15:00 – 16:00
15:00 – 16:00
Communication, games, study
16:00 – 17:00
16:00 – 17:00
Third meal Shabbat
Delicious food, wonderful atmosphere, interesting communication, new acquaintances
17:30 – 18:00
17:30 – 18:00
Maariv, Havdalah and Farewell to the Shabes
Any leftover food can be taken home to enjoy with family and friends!
Chaim Markovetsky
JEWGRAM.ORG Shabbat & Talmud Torah
Shabbat in Jerusalem Third Meal and Havdalah is a unique project created by JEWGRAM in partnership with OurPeople
Chaim Markovetsky
JEWGRAM.ORG Shabbat & Talmud Torah
Shabbat in Jerusalem Third Meal and Havdalah is a unique project created by JEWGRAM in partnership with OurPeople
How it was
Our Shabbats are held in a cozy studio of the OurPeople community center, in a comfortable environment and in the circle of pleasant people
We accept any payment methods
Cash (Tell me where it is most convenient to meet you) BIT transfer (By phone number 054 531 5225) Bank transfer (Bank Leumi (10) , SNIF 912, Account 84 382/47 Beneficiar Efim Markovetskiy) Bank transfer from abroad (Bank Leumi (10), SNIF 912, Account: 84382/47 Beneficiar: Efim Markovetskiy) SWIFT: LUMIILITXXX IBAN: IL850109120000008438247 Our Adress: Diskin 7, Bank Adress: Bank Leumi, Jerusalem, Ramban 21) Patreon ( PayPal ( RAJEUSA ( type in comment JEWGRAM) Our People In Israel: desktop smartphone Not in Israel: SBER (phone number +79 852 714 767) Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin wallet bc1q2v7xemzml659ta68faurq0x4raw6yv3ppsn763) (USDT wallet (TRC20 network) TYJFQvdPQ1CBDC3HbVEzNuVS1Q9ZDXrUa9) (Ethereum wallet 0xac02DF61a145b3dDFfCC1199d2262dBa0501B2bA)
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OurPeople Community Center Studio
Jerusalem, King George 6
Crossing Jaffa and King George, 30 minutes walk to Kotel
Our contacts
To clarify information on sponsorship, sign up for the Third Meal and Havdalah, and for any questions, contact us by phone, mail or social networks